Tell me how you feel....
Published on January 27, 2005 By KaitiDidIt In Misc

Busy as usual; too much school crap going on & never enough time. But, at least Kaiti didn't cry when I dropped her off at daycare this morning.....gotta run to class; more later!

on Jan 27, 2005
Im in luthier school, if you dont know what that is, it's guitar making.
Since you asked "Whats Up Today?" I'll tell you.
Well I got to class at 8 in the morn, sat thru a lecture about making "Ribs" (sides of guitars)
I'm asuming that you dont know anything about guitars, (sorry if I insult your intelligence)!
Then I worked an a color matching thing for Wood Finishing class.
Adter that it was lunch. I took a brief lunch and a nap. Went back to class and sanded my rosette.(the fancy ring around thehole)
then cut out the center sound hole.
Now I'm surfn the web and blogging to you.

OH yea I feel great!!!!!